Find the most frequently asked questions below.

Yes, everything we sell is legal and complies with German law.

Once we've received the payment, the product will be shipped within two business days.

Yes. The products will arrive in a typical carton box indistinguishable from any other online order.

Most payment providers (Credit Cards, Paypal, Klarna, etc.) are not accepting payments for our products. We kindly have to ask you to do it the old fashioned way. Thank you for sticking with us.

Yes. We do offer international shipping across Europe. Please make sure our products are legal in the country of destination.

You place your order online, send the money via wire transfer and come visit our shop with sufficient proof of payment between 1pm and 8pm during regular work days.

We currently sell our products from one location but will soon be available in more areas in Berlin and likely other Cities across Europe.

Yes, we offer wholesale. We are selective with our whole sale accounts. Please reach out to us via info@amama.space using the subject "wholesale".